Recipe: Yummy Sunrise moctail and layered blue paradise

Sunrise moctail and layered blue paradise.

Sunrise moctail and layered blue paradise You can have Sunrise moctail and layered blue paradise using 13 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Sunrise moctail and layered blue paradise

  1. Prepare of Soda water.
  2. You need of Lemon juice.
  3. Prepare of Sprite.
  4. Prepare cubes of Ice.
  5. You need of Grenadine (simple syrup+red food colour).
  6. It's of Blue food colour.
  7. Prepare of Sunrise moctail.
  8. You need of Soda water.
  9. You need cubes of Ice.
  10. It's of Lemon juice.
  11. It's of Grenadine (simple syrup+red food colour).
  12. Prepare of Sugar syrup.
  13. You need of Mint syrup.

Sunrise moctail and layered blue paradise instructions

  1. In cup put grenadine syrup add ice cubes, lemon juice,soda water, sugar syrup, orange juice add lemon juice and soda water again then add a little mint syrup. serve.
  2. In another cup put grenadine syrup add crushed ice,soda water,lemon juice add Sprite and use toothpick to add a little blue food colour. Enjoy.
